
Caution this is a warning dont tamper with the demonic especially if your not anointed or commissioned By Jesus Christ

Some believe that demons   can give them access to anything they desire at will technically they can but at a price, as they do nothing for free they can easily trick a novice into parting with their soul very unaware of that one who knows nothing about their ability or cunning ways of sheer deception the bible states be not ignorant to the devil's devices meaning it's important to understand his signature pattern & motive as if one firmly understands then one will be extra careful not to venture down certain paths that eventually leads to destruction as there is a way that seems right onto a person but the end of is a sudden destruction.  Anything from a satanic or demonic background is not to be tampered with as once a novice opens themselves to such a very destructive supernatural force it does not always release its victims straightaway but tries to hold them captive within a bondage state suppressed by a supernatural stronghold within their mindsets The only power to ...

The first race of beings before mankind was in the earth

The very first race of beings that were in the earth before the human race that was banished from it and after that Gods spirit hovered over the waters & said let there be light before that it was covered with gross darkness entirely yet God knew they could not coexist together so He separated them from the earth & sent them into outer space & they were given dominion within outer space within the very depths of the universe. they often come back and forth to see what is taking place in the earth as well as show up within various places to those who worship and adore them giving them various things in according to what they actually desire from their origin many say they are explorers from different realms and they are actually wrong they just actually come from places mankind has no current abilities to track locate or have the sheer power to detect their presence at this current moment in time some call them aliens but their real origin is demonic in its entirety as they ...
from the beginning of existence of all creation, this realm has existed yet mankind has never had dominion over it as some think they have to a degree. The current authors of both realms have no desire or current intent of giving those who seek petition sacrifice or ask them for it more than believe they should have yet one may differ only because he gives people entirely what they ask for only for them in the long run to destroy themselves which in fact some often do as the power swells their heads and tips them well over the edge before they often realise. Lucifer will grant any wish but it comes with terms and conditions he will not give anybody what they desire without claiming something from them in return in exchange for their utmost desires and pleasures & this is how the world has been since the fall of Adam. Yet many speak of the spiritual realm like its something far off but its far from the truth its more closer to each of us than many of us realise yet not all are sensi...

There is only One sole ruler within Heaven & Earth & He has dominion over all things never get it twisted

 most people think in theory that Satan actually is in a war with God over the souls of mankind but when all the facts are brought to the table that is not the exact truth if it is told properly. Since Lucifer lost his heavenly position he has not been trying to get back at God in no shape nor form but only trying to extend his hold on the human race for the period of time that he has left to reign within it as he knows that will at some time come to an end entirely but has left out key things because those that wholesomely follow his guidance and instructions are none the wiser and will continue to the end of the age & he has already assessed this. So God has His people carefully place to help those that have the desire to know His heart His ways His desires attitude & characteristics within the earth yet satan being a key strategist will carefully put into the hearts on those that faithfully serve him to distort the truth about God so that not many come to know Him or und...

Transferal of spirits & the building of a host

it's often noted as foolishness at times by those who do not care to understand how the various activities of the spirit world actually function yet those same people would pass it off as mere rubbish only because their truthfully not sensitive to its core functions nor constant mobilities within its ever-flowing streams of infinite movements so their mere sceptical judgements are often excused without causing offence to those who truly understand its entirety. often a transferal of spirits takes place without the knowledge of some vessels & to this day many wonders why they do not know the sudden changes that have occurred within their life cycles whether it be at the start middle or close to the end thereof only because they open themselves to things that they have no right of access to open  not realizing whoever they expose themselves to automatically form a soul tie meaning the two become one through a spiritual unification or a conversion of the two becoming one & tha...
Activities within the Spiritual realm is constant it never ceases unlike natural functions yet the communication is unlimited once tap into the right source but there remains a danger only to those who lack the understanding of what they're doing who actually go down the wrong path that only leads to utter destruction. First, make sure the source is right before proceeding any further within certain things & once you have understood this then proceed into that which you so desire

One has a sincere desire for u. The other has a deceptive intention to use.

If you reach out to it so will it draw closer to you once you have determined within your heart this is what u sincerely desire most of all. But make sure u give careful note to this as one will work with your will and another will work against your will after you have given full control over it entirely so fully know and understand what you are being submissive to before you sign your life away unable to retrieve it again.. Some do gain it back only because they had blind intentions others not so lucky because they fully understand the course of their actions and what will happen thereafter so that life would not be retrieved at all. Interacting with the dark arts does not only bring a danger to you but every person around you so think long and hard before going down a path of no return.