Caution this is a warning dont tamper with the demonic especially if your not anointed or commissioned By Jesus Christ
Some believe that demons can give them access to anything they desire at will technically they can but at a price, as they do nothing for free they can easily trick a novice into parting with their soul very unaware of that one who knows nothing about their ability or cunning ways of sheer deception the bible states be not ignorant to the devil's devices meaning it's important to understand his signature pattern & motive as if one firmly understands then one will be extra careful not to venture down certain paths that eventually leads to destruction as there is a way that seems right onto a person but the end of is a sudden destruction. Anything from a satanic or demonic background is not to be tampered with as once a novice opens themselves to such a very destructive supernatural force it does not always release its victims straightaway but tries to hold them captive within a bondage state suppressed by a supernatural stronghold within their mindsets The only power to ...