Transferal of spirits & the building of a host

it's often noted as foolishness at times by those who do not care to understand how the various activities of the spirit world actually function yet those same people would pass it off as mere rubbish only because their truthfully not sensitive to its core functions nor constant mobilities within its ever-flowing streams of infinite movements so their mere sceptical judgements are often excused without causing offence to those who truly understand its entirety. often a transferal of spirits takes place without the knowledge of some vessels & to this day many wonders why they do not know the sudden changes that have occurred within their life cycles whether it be at the start middle or close to the end thereof only because they open themselves to things that they have no right of access to open  not realizing whoever they expose themselves to automatically form a soul tie meaning the two become one through a spiritual unification or a conversion of the two becoming one & that in itself is not so easily broken. Yet it forges a coalition and builds a deceptive stronghold over the minds of those who fail to acknowledge the various shifts often taking place within themselves as their blinded to the facts because the root of sincerity has no current foundation within them. But something is growing taking shape and form over a period of time to transform such a one into a demonic host


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